Trix and Freek for Naturalis
A T.rex costs a lot of money, certainly one in such a good condition as this one. After the discovery of T. rex , Naturalis started a campaign to raise money to get the skeleton to Leiden. The crowdfund campaign Tientje for T. rex started on 17 November 2013 with the unveiling of a replica T. rex at the central station of Leiden. Part of the campaign was a fun TV Commercial for Naturalis with Freek Vonk and Trix, the newly acquired Tyrannosaur.
The complicated bit was to create a T-Rex that is still fearsome but also friendly looking. We played around with eyesizes on Trix until we finally got that big puppy look right.
Project Details
Production company: Sounds Like Film
Client: Naturalis
Job: VFX lead