by Michael Visser | 25-Oct-2023
Gundam & Transformers Another creative outing gone completely off the tracks! While moving more and more into management and out of the creative process I just had to ventilate my creative ideas for user experiences elsewhere. And as any normal person I started...
by Michael Visser | 25-Oct-2021
Fictional companies I always wanted to have a T shirt with the logo of fictional company “Initech” from the movie “Office Space” on it. So what started out as one timer turned into a search and design mission to (re)create all possible...
by Michael Visser | 09-Feb-2020
Vechtsportautoriteit – Het Keurmerk After 8 months of producing I FINALLY got some time to do some artist work again. All illustration and animation is done by yours truly. Project details Job: Illustrator/animator Client: De Vechtsportautoriteit...
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